A resource to introduce and promote fine motor and pre-writing skills


There are no writing books on your writing table. The are no words to copy, there are no starter phrases, there are no writing posters … Your writing table is 100% child-driven and child-centred.


Some items in the kit


· Paper and card of a variety of sizes, shapes, colours, textures, lined and blank. Strips of paper, both lined and blank for writing lists and headings.

· Sticky and post-it notes: blank, lined and different shapes e.g. arrows.

· doilies, sticky labels, cardboard shapes,

· Double-sided tape – wonderful for developing very fine motor control.

· String / wool / ribbon –

· Clipboard with paper and pencil attached.

· Blank cards, birthday, greeting and Christmas cards.

· Envelopes – different sizes:

· Party Invitations, forms with lines provided for specific information.

· Key tags.

· Receipt book – or similar with duplicate pages.


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Casey's Writing Table Kit - NEW

  • Product Code: 075
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $48.00 Tax Incl

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